Prepare Your Windows for the Holidays

window seat up for the holidays

The holidays have arrived and that means decorating your space for guests and for your own entertainment. Your windows can easily be forgotten with all the kitchen, living room, and outside decorations. The reality is that you can create a great holiday ambiance with your windows with a little TLC. Here is the ABC way of preparing your windows for the holiday season!


First off, clean those windows!


The first and most important step is making sure your windows are clean. When your windows are nice and squeaky clean, they can help emphasize the lights both in and outside a home. For the inside windows, ABC recommends household cleaners like vinegar or a store-bought cleaner. For the outside, you may need to give them an extra push by washing off all the outdoor dust and strains that stick on the glass. After your windows are back to shiny new, it’s time for the next step.


Update your drapes and blinds!


It’s time to put away the oranges and violet shaded drapes and switch them out for the reds, greens, golds, grays or even blues. The right colored drapes will help enhance not only the windows but the look and feel of your whole decorations. If you have drapes that stand out like a sore thumb, your whole indoor aesthetic won’t be complete. Get the right drapes that match your holiday decorations with ABC! After you’ve changed out the drapes, the next step is the fun part. 


Time to Decorate for the Holidays!


Take out those lights, garlands, window stickies, and any other decorations that you want people to see from the windows! The combination of decorations and drapes will really help frame your windows on the outside and inside. Holiday-colored lights, garlands, and curtains are great for framing a window, while stickies are fun for the kids to put on and give a family feel. Place battery-powered candles on the window sills or incorporate a Christmas tree for all to see. However you decorate, we know it’ll be sure to set the mood for the holiday month (or months).