Get Your Windows Ready for Halloween

Get your windows Halloween ready

It’s that time of the year again, where we put away our summer decorations and bring out all things spooky. As people start to decorate their homes, we have to ask the question, how are you decorating your windows this year? Windows are usually thought of last when decorating, but let it be known that a great decorated window can boost your decorating rating from a 10 to a solid 20. Here are some fun Halloween decorations we recommend for your windows this year.


Dust off the Cobwebs and Skeletons

skeleton and cobweb Halloween decorations

Cobwebs and skeletons, a classic pair that can really spruce up your windows for Halloween. Create a cobweb illusion by spreading them all over your windows or on the sides of your windows. Then grab some different sized skeletons to place on your window sill. You can make the skeletons scary or funny. Either way, you’ll look like a house that hasn’t been dusted in ages!


Pick up a Creepy Doll or Two

creepy dolls in windows

If you really want to scare the neighborhood, grab some creepy-looking dolls. With stories about Annabelle and Robert the Doll, you can’t go wrong! Place one huge doll, or a few small dolls, around the windows. You can use a background for them or simply place them in the window. Make it as creepy as you want. 


Carve out Some Jack-o-Lanterns and add Bats

jack-o-lanterns and bats in the window

Jack-o-lanterns and bats are classic Halloween decorations and are great to display on your windows. Place your Jack’s inside or outside and create different faces for each. Then grab some bats, or make your own, and stick them on the window for an ageless window appearance. This is also a great window idea for both the spooky and the spoopy. 


Put Some Ghosts in their Place

spooky ghosts in the windows

Whether it’s small ghosts that stick on your glass or bigger ghosts that hang from the windows, ghosts are always a must. Place ghosts all around your window, with light cobwebs sticking around. You might also want to use purple, green or orange lights to make them take effect. 


Got some Ideas?


Now that you have some ideas, go forth and conquer Halloween! In need of some more permanent window decor options? Let ABC help you today! We specialize in everything from decorating your windows to creating bedding and patios exactly how you picture it.